To copy something wrong the right way is not enough: why Quality Managers shall be willing to learn
Work is coming along: Thousands of PowerPoint-slights are to be adapted. This is because conex shows by a publication in German magazine „Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit“ (issue October 2009) that the omnipresent model “plan – do – check – act” was not created by total quality management mastermind William Deming. Based on original quotations, the article points out the real creators of the concept. First of all the article intends to overcome the weak points of “p-d-c-a.” Instead of an insufficient category “act” we prefer to use organization’s learning as a convincing 4th step. In consequence, conex claims the management paradigm “plan – do – check – LEARN.”
Find the article here (German language). If you want to ask questions to Dr. Guido Wolf, please use email.